in Los Angeles
the best Music STUDIO
in Los Angeles

Ableton Live 10, Logic X, Pro Tools
Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo,
Neumann TLM 102,
Dynaudio Acoustics BM5A,
Computer Interface
2020 Mac Mini
Samsung - 34" LED Curved QHD FreeSync Monitor

Our most popular service offers the rental of one of our two recording studios in Los Angeles. In addition to your room rental, a highly experienced professional sound engineer can be included for the duration of your rental. Our engineer knows these rooms like the back of their hands and can make workflow efficient, allowing creatives to do what they do best, create.
Opus Recording is a unique recording studio experience in Los Angeles, CA. A safe and comfortable environment for all musicians to create 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our rooms are fully loaded with plugins, standard industry preamps, and microphones, allowing easy use. Studio rentals can also include rental rooms for mixing and mastering.